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It is a well known fact that Dragons love riddles and so do Dragonriders

...thats why the teachers of DragoYogard are continuously working on magical riddles, rhymes and mystery games
to initiate our youngest Dragonriders in a playful and fun way....



Here are 5 riddles for you to solve
(copyright & written by

Rules of Riddle:


   The ancient rules of the riddle game state that the two riddlers decide on the stakes (what you are playing for), however this does not have to be included if you are playing for fun. The two players then take it in turns to ask each other riddles, with the challenger going first. The person who fails to answer a riddle or does so incorrectly looses.
Good Luck!


1) Over fire and over stone,
    Over water and over bone,
     Shining out like jewels of light,
     On a sheet of purest night.



2) The Beginning of eternity,
    The end of time and space,
    The beginning of every end,
     And the end of every place.

(found on


3) I can fly yet have no wings,
    I beat down mountains, I conquer kings,
    At once three different things am I,
    As a continuous whole I cannot die.

4) From stardust made was I,
    Shaped and changed as time went by,
    Names I've known, owners too,
    Belonging to no one when time is through.

(from Jeraith the Queen Dragon)

5) The unheard of, the untold,
      Questions asked, nothing sold,
       Hidden from book, speach or song,
       Outlasting time, all eternity long.
(from Draig High Dragon on the Frost Breaks)

Here are the answers to the riddles ​


1) The stars 2) The letter 'e' 3) Time 4) The Earth or land 5)  The answer is a secret!


If your children are sensitive to the reality of the otherworld of spirit and  energy with their psychic antennas activated but in need of guidance to understand what they see and feel yet still function in the world - DragoYogard is the right place for them to get grounded, eat healthy, learn to be responsible and in balance. Here they will learn how to integrate and cultivate their psychic abilities besides learning how to plant, harvest, make delicious meals, define medicinal plants, make elixirs and magic potions as well as, superfood & chocolate alchemy. They will learn about the elements and how to work with fire, earth, water, air and ether. They will also develop handicraft skills working with clay, leather, metal, wood, etc. as well as calligraphy
and will have the opportunity to study & play musical instruments
The young Dragonriders are welcome here at DragoYogards summer camps of the Mystery School education & initiation programs.


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