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Initiation into the water mysteries

Learn how to communicate and commune with the sacred element of water, to understand and celebrate our interconnectedness  between our emotions and the bodies of water on Mother Earth.
Sacred Waters of Life - without it no life is possible for us or

​​ any of our relations in the different kingdoms on the planet.


In the Water Dragon year we  will learn about flexibility and flow as well as
reflecting ourselves in the mirror of still water.

We will dive into the mystery of the sacred Moontime and explore the bio-rhythms, the sacred cycles, ebbs and flows 
of the body and the planet and how to maintain balance.

Ceremonies and rites of passage connected with the sacred menstruation time & initiations into womanhood will be celebrated

and individually designed.

We will learn how to program water and give our feeling a direction through the power of intention.
Learn how to listen to the song of water and come into resonance.

Exercises, meditations, prayers, blessings, offerings and purification rituals to expand our awareness and open our perception are important elements of Water Dragon.​


Through Water Dragon initiations we come to understand the importance of hydration, not only physical but also mental, emotional and spiritual hydration & flow

The teachings and many blessings of water can help us to 
purify, rejuvenate, refresh and nourish ourselves on all levels in our lives
 and make sure we are watering the right seeds.


Water is carrier of informtion, the molecules of water change their vibration, frequency and shape with the help of our intention and ideally gratitude and love we place into it. This scientific research has been shown by Japanese Dr. Emoto and through this understanding we can see that the thoughts we have about ourselves and others actually do shape our reality. The water of our bodies responds to the frequency of intention.

Through the initiation into the element of water we learn how to purify and cleanse our negative emotional patterns,

and how to plant seeds of gratitude and love into ourselves and

into sacred mother earth and her live blood: Water.





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