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Mystery School

 DragoYogard is a mystery school for kids and the magical child within you.

Everyone is welcome here who is eager to learn, study, commune and communicate
h the sacred elements of life and the great mystery behind it all. 


There are individual and group teachings in form of summer camps as well as 

ceremonies, teachings and initiations by appointment.


The education to the certified Dragonrider takes minimum 108 hours
of each yearly initiation 
into another element. 

There are 5 Elements guiding the apprentice through a 5 year training of

108 hrs per year. Each training block is held within a 2 week summer camp period for

students from age 13 and weekend blocks from age 7.


There are also basic introduction weekends 

Kids modules I : 7-9 years,  and kids module II:   10-12 years 

Teenager modules I:  13-15 years, and teenager module II: 16-18 years 

Adult modules all ages from 19 years old 

Prices include simple accommodation in the mystery schools dormitory or campground

plus vegetarian organic meals & superfood elixirs

In addition personal ceremonies are individually designed and priced accordingly

Ask us for special offers and arrangements according to your possibilities!

When you have been fully trained as a certified Dragonrider

the most important educational ceremony starts:

To apply and live the teachings in every day life

- make every step and every action a magical experience
- become a master of your life 



There are further levels beyond the 5 year training where the Dragonriders 

will journey together to sacred places around the globe and receive deeper 
initiations and teachings in ceremony with international master teachers,

medicine people, shamans and magicians






​DragoYogard is the Sanctuary of the Dragonrider  - the guardian and messenger of Dragonland.

DragoYogard is also a path of initiation into the mysteries of the earth and the heavens.
The Dragon can be understood as a winged serpent. ​

The serpent is
a symbol of the earth as the winged ones symbolize the heavenly realms.​


The dragon unites these two fundamental principles in her very dragonheart

Ether dragon 

Initiation into element ether
5th year

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