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The Mystery School


For many thousand years the dragon has been waiting for this time to be awakened by the magic song which only the Dragonrider knows to sing.


​​At the end of a secret valley, at the edge of a magical forest,
at the foot of a sacred hill crowned by a circle of ancient standing stones  DragoYogard 
thrones - the Sanctuary for the Dragonrider's mystery school, where education programs, ceremonies and initiations for kids, teenagers and adults are offered.

The golden silence of Dragonlands nature reserve invites to learn to listen deeply to the song of stones, where ancient codes can be deciphered into frequency keys unlocking cellular memory of who we are and what our true purpose is on earth.


Located in the enchanted region of South Sweden, close to the shores of the Baltic Sea, DragoYogard is a prime location for a mystery school as well as an ideal retreat for artists, writers, musicians and other creative people due to its undisturbed beauty and rejuvenating natural environment.​


The great variety of the medicinal plants growing here are carefully harvested in the light of the moon and rising sun as we hold hands in prayer with sacred Mother Earth for the abundance she offers.
From a well 
deep in the heart of the earth pure crystal waters are born to bless our students and visitors with this sweet elixir of life.
The healthy soil that grows our organic food and plants here is kept uncontaminated by only using biodegradable organic products.
All food at DragoYogard is organic and most of it is grown in Dragonland and by organic farmers close by.​

Bastet - the Goddess of joy is represented at DragoYogard in form of two beautiful Egyptian temple cats which will bring tender affection and healing touch to each young apprentice and visitor.
The main school building includes a large kitchen, an earth cellar, a classroom and three single student rooms, a library, a study as well as two bathrooms. Both with separate entrances and stairs to the loft is the dormitory of the Dragonriders as well as an extra apartment for guest teachers. To the house belongs an organic café and lounge area where organic delights & superfoods are available during education events & training camps.

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